Thursday, January 24, 2008

To Die For

Today I watched the movie "Glory." Though I've seen it many times, the story of the first regiment of black soldiers from the Civil War always gets to me. It's a great movie about the development of courage, leadership, and human relationships in the face of adversity. It has wonderful performances from everyone from Denzel Washington to Morgan Freeman to Matthew Broderick. The soundtrack is fantastic too and has one of the most moving scores I've heard in a film. With all of these things, however, what always hits me the hardest is seeing a bunch of people willing to die for a cause.

We've certainly seen and read about this many times, but when do any of us really have to face that? Most of us are fairly lucky in America, at least in comparison to much of the rest of world. And even though there are countless people facing adverse situations in the United States, when have they ever had to stand up for something and truly put their lives on the line to do so? Thankfully, I've never had to even consider such a choice, but I so admire the depth of those who have.

In the end of "Glory," the famed 54th regiment stages an assault on Fort Wagner. It's virtually a hopeless sacrifice for the black soldiers, as they have to approach the Confederate stronghold from an open beach with virtually no cover or protection whatsoever and march onto a fortress with infinitely more soldiers, guns, and cannons than they have. Every time I watch the troops line up on the beach, I just can't imagine doing it. I cannot imagine the fear that would grip me. I tear up every time I watch those men summon something from within themselves that is so powerful, fearless, and daring. I'd like to think that there exists in me some unknown source of strength and courage, and while I'm lucky to have never had to confirm that, I still wonder and marvel at the potential of all people to do something great. I guess the end result of most of those moments is that people die. But it's the fact that they were willing to die, and entered into that situation knowing that that was the most likely outcome, that still makes me shed a tear and think how amazing the human spirit really is.