Friday, August 17, 2007

Really now?

Ever wonder about keys? Ever wonder how it's possible that no two keys are alike? I have a hard time believing that. I've always wondered how many other Ford Explorers my Ford Explorer keys will open. Ford makes HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of these cars. They're sold all over the world. The key patterns never duplicate? Come on. Is this so that we don't try to take other people's cars? I've also wondered if I drove around hitting my garage door opener, how many other people's doors would I activate?

When I was a kid, I got locked out of my house. I asked my friend if I could borrow his key. He was stunned. I said, "Just let me see it." Sure enough, it fit right into my front door. Now it didn't open it, but it slid in perfectly. Maybe that's why I've always wondered.

Fingerprints are the same. Do you really think that no two are alike? In the billions of people who populate this Earth, none of us share the same prints... the same swirls and loops? Science tells us that this the case, but you know as well as I do that every person CURRENTLY living has not been finger-printed, and certainly not everyone who has EVER lived has been either. So therefore, how can science accurately make that claim. Maybe the better question is WHY are we being made to believe this?


Ryan said...

Reading about the garage door opener opening other garages reminded me of this article I read a couple of months back. Pretty wild.

Ryan said...

I guess cutting and pasting that link didn't work.

Anyway, it was the story about the baby monitor making contact with astronauts.