Thursday, August 2, 2007

What I Think About While You're on Your CellPhone

Ever think about the mail? Seriously, how does it work? It's mind-blowing to me to consider how the postal system actually operates. You write a letter. You put an address and a stamp on it and drop it in the mail box. A carrier picks it up and drops it off at a local post office. Somehow, that office, which receives mail from thousands of homes within its service area, is able to take that letter, separate it out with other similarly-marked mail, and send it on its way. But think about all of the options there! How many addresses could there possibly be in the postal United States? Now make that global. And somehow, I put something in the mail here in Virginia and two days later it ends up at my sister's house in Pennsylvania, or three days later at my brother's house in St. Louis. It's going from trucks, to offices, to planes, back to other offices, back to trucks, across time-zones. It's amazing.

And yet I bet if I asked the average person how the Post Office worked, they'd say, "I'm sure it's all by computer now." Yeah... that helps. Get back to your phone.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Nice title and nice post. I look forward to future posts.