Monday, November 5, 2007

Things I like... Things You Should Like

I saw The Thermals play here on Saturday night. What a show! I was honestly tired as hell and not entirely wanting to go. I try to live by the motto "You'll never remember a good night's sleep as much as great experience," so I rolled out of the suburbs for the late show at The Black Cat club in DC. It was one of the funnest shows I've seen in a while.

A friend got me into The Thermals last year. Their album "The Body, The Blood, The Machine" is fantastic. It's fast. It's fun. It's so energetic. It's the kind of music that you makes want to blast it out of your car stereo and race down the highway. I knew that if their live show had half the vibe of the cd, I'd be in for a good night.

The funny thing about the concert was that the whole thing flew by in about 45 minutes. The Thermals play songs that are all about 2-3 minutes long. They relentlessly flew from one song into the next and seemed to play their entire three album catalogue without taking a breath, and without breaking an hour. Some might say, "Hey... I paid for a bit more than this," but the show was awesome. I was either jumping up and down or smiling the entire time. The band seemed to have fun too, which in my concert-going experience always seems to enhance the show.

So if you get a chance, check out The Thermals at a concert venue near you!

Album favorites from "The Body, The Blood, The Machine" are...
#4 "A Pillar of Salt"
#5 "Returning to the Fold"
#7 "St. Rosa and the Swallows"
#1 "Here's Your Future"

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