Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sometimes Once Is Just Not Enough

For many years, I had dreamed of going to Paris. It was just one of those places, more than any other place in the world, that I just wanted to see. I knew I would like it. I knew I would enjoy all of the culture and the history. I couldn't wait to see the world famous museums with the world famous collections. I couldn't wait to eat the legendary food. I was thrilled at the chance to walk the streets that so many legends had walked, including Hemingway and Picasso. Almost two years ago, I got that chance and Paris was everything I had hoped it would be. It was, without question, the greatest thing I have ever done alone.

What I find interesting about my trip is that I can't stop thinking about it. It's been a long time now, but I'm surprised at how often I find my mind in a foreign city. And when I do think about it, I'm battered by all of my sensory memories of that time. As vivid as that all is, sometimes it's almost too much.

I just can't believe how much I want to go back. I would've thought that going one time would've kind of checked Paris off my list of life goals, but instead all it did was tell me, "Yes, it's just as great as you dreamed" and now all I want to do is go back. I want to take my family there. Shoot... I want to live there! I want to get a job teaching at an embassy or a military base, just so that I can be a Parisian resident for a time. I just can't seem to get over it at all, and acknowledging it here doesn't seem to make it any better.


Anonymous said...

Germany was like that for me/us as well. You should branch out and see more of Europe. I don't say that because I've been to a lot of it. I say that because I've been to a few more countries, Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria.
They are so close to one another it's easy to see a bunch in one visit.
I would love to see Great Britain, especially Wales, especially where Dylan Thomas lived.

The Tall Green One said...

Oh sure... I would love to see the other places too. I've always wanted to travel through Spain. I would think that Greece would be amazing. Seeing The Netherlands, our native land, would be great too. One day... one day.