Monday, December 1, 2008

Why I Hate Some People

This past weekend I went to see an art exhibit at a local gallery. The show was called "Regime Change Starts at Home" and included the work of Shepard Fairey, who I wrote about in a previous post, and the fascinating sculptures of Al Farrow.

The three pieces by Farrow, which he calls "Reliquaries," were absolutely fascinating. The artist takes gun parts and fashions them into models of religious buildings. I saw a synagogue whose floor was constructed on the metal tops of shotgun shells, whose walls were formed from thousands of beebees, and whose dome was made with bullets. On another piece, the tower of a cathedral was fashioned from pistols whose barrels pointed upwards towards a golden cross. The detail in the models was incredible. The intricate swirl of their designs, all made with artillery parts, were so interesting to look at.

Besides the execution of the construction of the models themselves, I was really amazed by Farrow's concept. Marrying religious images with violent objects is really quite brilliant. It's so inventive. Me... I'd draw a church or make it out of toothpicks and sugar cubes. Maybe you'd think, "Good model," if you saw it and I got the dimensions right. Farrow's sculptures make you do much more than that. They are equally impressive and disturbing at the same time, all because of the materials he chose to construct them out of.

I'm always a bit envious of creative minds like Al Farrow's. There have been so many times that I've seen a piece of art and thought, "Damn. I wish I could've thought of that." Just today I saw something in the newspaper about an artist who paints portraits on suitcases. I once saw a cocktail dress made out of rubber surgical gloves. It was amazing! The people who come up with these things... well, I don't really hate them, but I'm definitely envious.

Below is a link to Al Farrow's work. Check it out and celebrate those who think outside of the box!


Anonymous said...

Weird post. Actually the post is cool but your title needs to change. I kept reading and reading wondering who it was you hated you dork. Then you remembered at the very end. Tsk, tsk. Aren't you an English teacher? MOHAHAHAAAAA

The Tall Green One said...

That's called "Bringin' It All Back Home" in the end, a-hole!

The Tall Green One said...

That's called "Bringin' It All Back Home" in the end, a-hole!